When Women Lead COSP 12 Side Event
12th Session of the Conference of State Parties to the CRPD
Side Event
When Women Lead
The Disability Rights Advocacy Fund, the Disability Rights Fund, the Spotlight Initiative, and Women Enabled International invite you to attend the side event on When Women Lead at COSP 12!
Date: Tuesday June 11, 2019 from 4:45-6:00pm
Location: Conference Room C, United Nations, NYC
When Women Lead will share how disability movement leadership is changing in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific, and what happens when women step up. The strengths of an intersectional approach to identity and rights will be highlighted by women leaders from these regions who are addressing rights abuses on multiple fronts and altering the landscape of traditional disability movements.
- Diana Samarasan, Founding Executive Director, Disability Rights Advocacy Fund and Disability Rights Fund
- Bhargavi Davar, Convenor, TCI-Asia & Pacific
- Yenirosa Damayanti, Chairperson, Indonesia Mental Health Association
- Nellie Caleb, National Coordinator, Vanuatu Disabled Peoples Association
- Soinette Desir, Coordinator, Union des Femmes à Mobilité Réduite d’Haiti
- Gaudence Mushimiyana, Executive Director, UNABU-Rwanda
- Sonya Thimmaiah, Reporting Officer, Spotlight Initiative Secretariat
- Stephanie Ortoleva, Founding President and Executive Director, Women Enabled International
International Sign Language and on-site Captioning will be provided.