Unlocking the Possibilities of Inclusion
We are thrilled to release the 2023 annual report of the Disability Rights Fund (DRF) and Disability Rights Advocacy Fund: Unlocking the Possibilities of Inclusion.
This report highlights a transformative past year for us as we laid down the foundation of our visionary five-year strategic plan: Disability-Led Futures for a Just World: DRF’s Path to 2029.
In 2023, we celebrated remarkable achievements, from the Solomon Islands’ ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the adoption of the new Persons with Disabilities Act in Malawi.
We continued to resource disability rights groups in the margins of movements, like the first Dalit with disabilities-led organization in Nepal. “This is a historical milestone for us as we are one of the most underrepresented groups in Nepal. The support of DRF has been instrumental for us to organize, create our vision, and move forward to claim our rights,” shared Pampha Purkoti, Acting President of Dalit with Disabilities Association, Nepal.

Pampha advocates to breakdown barriers Dalits with disabilities face within disability and human rights movements. Photo: Kishor Sharma
As we begin implementing our strategic plan, we remain committed to embracing an intersectional approach, recognizing our interdependence and celebrating the strength and embedded expertise in movements for inclusion.
We invite you to explore the energizing stories and successes of our movement partners. Please share this report by forwarding this email and amplifying our posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and X. Together, with supporters like you, we are unlocking greater possibilities for inclusion and justice.